Preventing workers from accessing social media on the job is only getting harder.

Three-out-of-every-four employees are accessing social media on their personal devices once a day, with 60% saying they check multiple times per day.

But only 43% of those same staff members work for companies that allow social media access.

That’s according to the new Social Media and Workplace 2012 Report, courtesy of SilkRoad.

The research confirms what many HR pros already know: Employees are going to use social media at work, whether you approve of it or not.

That doesn’t mean you should ditch your social media policy, though. What it means, according to John Hollon on TLNT, is that firms might be better off crafting a forward-thinking social media policy than one that completely forbids social media use.

And, if you can figure out a way to get those workers involved in your own in-house social media efforts, all the better.

Here are the full results in infographic form:

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