No matter how you phrase it, some employees are adamantly opposed to change — and aren’t afraid to make their feelings known.

A new study says two tactics can help turn that cynicism on its head  — while also reducing turnover and boosting employee engagement.

The solution: more proactive management.

That’s according to new research from the University of Buffalo School of Management.

The study involved investigating the attitudes of employees and the climate of the workplace of 14 state prisons, though the researchers are quick to note the results are applicable to workplaces outside the penal system.

Researchers laid out two tactics supervisors can try out in an attempt to change the culture of the workplace. Managers should:

  • back up their words with specific actions (such as asking for and using feedback from staff), and
  • give workers an opportunity to contribute to change efforts that are being made in the organization.

Helping employee feel more empowered, researchers note, can help them feel more confident and involved and, subsequently, reduce cynicism toward change.

Have you dealt with employees who complained wildly anytime you need to change a policy or procedure? Let us know how you handled the situation in the comments section below.

The post Sick of cynical employees? 2 steps toward changing your culture appeared first on HR Morning.

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