The office holiday party season is in full swing. And employers who don’t want to suffer the old adage that “no good deed goes unpunished” would be wise to manage holiday party risks by considering these key suggestions from an employment law expert.

Control Alcohol Service and Consumption

Inebriated office colleagues at a party pose a risk you don’t need and are a formula for trouble. Consider these three precautions when planning or throwing an office holiday party:

  1. Restrict the number of drinks
    permitted (through drink tickets), the type of drinks permitted (no shots and
    plenty of “cool” non-alcoholic options), and the time that drinking is
    permitted (last call prior to departure time).
  2. Ensure sufficient food is
    available and passed around to help slow absorption.
  3. Offer vouchers/paid cab rides
    or incentives to employees to act as designated drivers.

a Reasonable Dress Code

No matter the time, location or occasion for the party, make sure employees are aware of your dress code expectations, and that inappropriate and overly suggestive attire is not acceptable for any office-related function.

Individual Preferences

The point of the holiday party should be to celebrate and reward employees who want the celebration and reward. Reasons some employees may choose to avoid the office holiday party may include having suffered a personal loss at this time of year, general discomfort with mixing “business with pleasure,” religious beliefs, another commitment that evening, or simply preferring to spend the time with family. In any case, employers must never retaliate or ostracize those uncomfortable with office parties, no matter their reason.

to Policies and Protocols (and Create Them If Needed)

Office policies and protocols apply regardless of where office personnel congregate, onsite or offsite. These policies are so important they’re worth repeating verbatim to employees. HR professionals should consider the following:

  • Make
    sure you have comprehensive, lawful workplace policies (harassment,
    discrimination, retaliation, complaint process, social media) in place.
  • Circulate
    a memo to employees prior to your holiday party reminding them of your
    workplace policies, that those policies apply equally to on- and off-premises
    parties, and that the company will not tolerate inappropriate behavior and
    violations of its policies.

The post Managing office holiday party risks: Mistletoe no-no’s appeared first on HR Morning.

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