Friday October 18, 2024

Buried in work? 3 tips when asking colleagues for help

Between the flood of emails constantly coming in and a never ending to-do list, it’s no surprise that plenty of people are completely overwhelmed at work.  And a lot of stress could be eased by asking colleagues for help … but almost no one wants to admit defeat or impose on others. Making a clear […]

Baker wins, but Supreme Court religious freedom ruling raises tough issues for HR

When the High Court ruled in favor of a baker who refused to put together a wedding cake for a same-sex couple because of his religious beliefs, it made national news – and put employers everywhere in a tricky spot regarding free speech. It also left things pretty open-ended on the issue of Free Speech. […]

Manager’s one dumb comment triggers race discrimination lawsuit

When an employee wants to transfer to a new department, but isn’t qualified for the job, it seems like a fairly straightforward situation. But one offhand comment can quickly turn an open and shut case into a lengthy legal battle.  Not qualified Jerberee Jefferson was a clerk in the finance department at Sewon America. She’d […]

Why HRs pros want to kill I-9 and what they want instead

If you’re in favor of ditching the current employment verification process – the paper-based I-9 form – for a mandatory electronic system, you’re not alone. According to the SHRM Employment Verification Survey, 83% of employers either strongly or somewhat support a mandatory electronic verification system. Plus, employers’ support of such a system would be even […]

8 things your managers need to know about the FMLA

Whether they realize it or not, managers have the power to make or break FMLA lawsuits.  Experts say employer violations often occur when managers respond too quickly and emotionally to FMLA-triggering situations. The good news is, proper training is the key to preventing these costly manager mistakes. Responding carefully At the annual SHRM conference, Jeff […]

‘Bob, you smell’: What to say to employees about embarrassing personal issues

Everybody dreads having those “difficult conversations” with employees about personal issues. Here are some examples of how they can be handled gracefully — including the actual words to use. Paul Falcone, VP of Employee Relations for Time Warner Cable in Los Angeles and a respected author on employee management, gave an in-depth presentation on the […]

Make sure your male and female employees are paid equally: 4 steps to close the gap

Of course, most employers don’t set out to intentionally pay female employees less than male employees. Nevertheless, it ends up happening a lot more than you’d expect.  Recent studies reveal that, on average, women still earn 82 cents for every dollar earned by men. And a lot of companies could be paying women less without […]

Reaching out to a stranger via email? Avoid these 6 phrases if you want a response

Everyone gets unexpected emails from time to time, and more often than not, they get ignored. From a quick glance, it’s clear whether one of these emails will be worth your time. Overly wordy messages or false friendliness reduce the chances you’ll respond. But when you’re the one who has to reach out to a […]

Generation Z’s plan for a comfy retirement? Inherit the cash

Just how grim are the retirement prospects for the generation that’s now entering the workplace for the first time? So grim, that many believe the only way to secure a stable retirement is by inheriting it. Well, the affluent members of Generation Z, anyway. Specifically, 63% of affluent children ages 18-22 say financial stability in […]

5 simple ways to make your new hire feel welcome

When it comes to an employer making a good impression on a new employee, the first few days are crucial. But many onboarding programs can still come across as an afterthought.  The good news is, you don’t have to revamp your entire onboarding process to make a new hire feel welcome. Chris Ronzio, creator of […]