Tuesday January 7, 2025

Sorry, these tactics to avoid Obamacare burden aren’t going to work

Some firms have come up with creative ways to skirt some of the Affordable Care Act’s labyrinthine administrative requirements. Unfortunately, according to one benefits expert, these tactics aren’t likely to work.   At the 2014 Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Conference & Exposition in Orlando, FL, Gary Kushner, the CEO of the HR and benefits […]

Top 3 reasons employees quit their jobs (and other deal breakers)

Guess what, compensation isn’t the biggest reason employees leave their jobs. It kind of makes sense. After all, they knew what they’d be paid when they signed on. So what takes the top spot?  The No. 1 reason employees say they left a previous job is: a lack of opportunities for advancement. More than one in […]

Company’s on the hook for $4.7 million in bullying case

Does your company management think bullying’s just an HR concern? Show them this case.   A Brooklyn employer was recently ordered to pay $4.7 million to an employee who was ultimately assaulted by a co-worker – a culminating act after repeated bullying behavior. That’s the largest award to date in a workplace bullying incident. According […]

10 ACA questions employees want you to answer – now

If employees haven’t come to you with questions about the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) affect on them, get ready … they’re coming. Want to know what they’re going to ask?  In a recent survey to gauge how single-employer plans are being affected by the ACA, the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans, a nonprofit research […]

A cheat sheet on EEOC’s extensive pregnancy guidance

For the first time since 1983, the feds have issued comprehensive guidance on how employers are required to treat pregnant employees.  The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) did this by issuing guidance on the application of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Quick & dirty recap To spare you […]

ALJ slaps down NLRB on company’s social media policy

Perhaps you’ve heard: The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is out to squash any employee policy that has the potential to stymie union organizing efforts. But that’s what makes this latest ruling so head-scratching.  For the past two-plus years, the NLRB’s been on a scorched-earth crusade to rid the working world (parts organized and not) […]

Keep Your Talent From Walking Out

Employee turnover is expensive and can be catastrophic to morale and customer service quality. No one wants to see their top talent walk out the door. But how can you keep retention high at your company? We’ve put together a white paper with some stats and advice to help you increase your employee retention rates […]

The 10 mistakes employees make when trying to save for retirement

Employees tend to make the same retirement-planning blunders over and over again. Guest poster Rick Pendykoski, the owner of a retirement-planning firm, outlines the Top Ten – so HR pros can help people steer clear.  ____________________________________________________________________________ It’s understood that nobody is responsible for retirement planning strategy of every employee in the company. However, in cases where […]

Ruling: What’s not allowed when accessing employees’ social media sites

There are a lot of laws HR pros pay close attention to (FMLA, ADA, FLSA, etc.), but the Stored Communications Act typically isn’t one of them. That should change.  The act prohibits the unauthorized access of individuals’ electronic communications and records that are intended to be private. If you’re thinking this doesn’t apply to you because […]

Uneasy about feds meddling in your workplace? You’re in good company

Concerns about government gridlock — and President Obama’s focus on using presidential orders to use federal agencies to guide workplace rules — affect more than half the companies participating in a recent study from the employment law firm Littler.   Here’s an overview of the recent 2014 Executive Employer Survey: While employers continue to feel […]