Monday January 6, 2025

She was only harassed at one of her many work locations, so …

This woman had many supervisors, and only one of them harassed her. Is that a hostile work environment?  Lisa Dahlke worked as part-time banker for a bank with several locations in the Milwaukee area. Dahlke moved from location to location as was needed. Starting in 2006, Dahlke claimed that Jason Golembiewski, her new manager at […]

College football players are ‘employees’? Uh, just a couple questions

Following the NLRB’s recent ruling that Northwestern University football players are “employees” of the school, should they be paying taxes on their scholarship money?   That’s only one of the questions that came out of NLRB regional director Peter Ohr’s ruling that the Evanston, IL players should be allowed to form a union and bargain […]

Update: The pros and cons of refusing to hire smokers

Now that Obamacare has kicked in, more and more companies are refusing to hire people who smoke. But some legal dangers do remain.   As we pointed out in a post in February 2013, there’s no federal law that protects smokers or entitles them to equal protections when it comes to hiring, promotions, etc. That’s because the […]

Is birth control mandate the next reform requirement to go?

Yet another provision of healthcare reform might get nixed this summer.  The Supreme Court recently heard arguments regarding healthcare reform‘s birth control mandate, which would require companies to cover insured employees for the use of all contraceptives. Consensus: The High Court might rule the requirement illegal when it issues its decision in June. During a heated […]

Hiring managers biased against women? Study says yes

A new study says managers of both genders have a hard-wired bias toward hiring men.   Indeed, the research, compiled by business profs at Northwestern University, University of Chicago and Columbia University, showed that managers of both sexes are twice as likely to hire men. The full study, How Stereotypes Impair Women’s Careers in Science, was published […]

Ultimate Buyer’s Guide to Integrated Talent Management

Today, most HR professionals recognize that talent management can impact business results significantly. Unfortunately, they find it difficult to communicate that value to upper management, who are sometimes skeptical of the strategic value of HR functions. However, to be a talent management leader, you must have a cohesive, strategic view of technology and how it […]

Prior misconduct scuttles her workers’ comp claim

Can workers’ compensation benefits be denied to an injured-on-the-job worker if it was found that she committed workplace misconduct?   Yes, at least in Ohio. In that state, employees who voluntarily abandon their jobs are ineligible for workers’ compensation benefits. And the Ohio Supreme Court recently adopted a very liberal definition of voluntary abandonment. Worker […]

Workplace soap opera? Follow this company’s lead

Amid accusations of employees sleeping with each other’s significant others, this company did everything right.  Jamilya Pina, who is African-American, worked as a sales associate and manager at The Children’s Place. While employed there, Pina was dating Michael Williams, an African-American colleague of hers. Pina, however, began to suspect that Williams was being unfaithful, and she accused […]

Is the EEOC jumping on the social media bandwagon?

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is starting to poke around one of the workplace’s biggest trouble areas.  The agency recently held a meeting to gather info about the growing use of social media and if and how it affects laws the EEOC enforces. Five individuals spoke with agency officials at EEOC headquarters about how […]

The 17 most irritating buzzwords in today’s resumes

OK, it’s a huge part of the job. But even the most dedicated HR pro will admit that going through stacks of candidate resumes can turn your brain to jelly.  And what hastens the jelly-formation process? Reading the same tired buzzwords over and over and over. Harris Poll, on behalf of CareerBuilder, recently canvassed 2,201 […]