Sunday December 22, 2024

Are you ready for a wage-and-hour audit? One may be on the horizon

You’ve no doubt heard about the recent surge in wage-and-hour lawsuits filed by employees who feel they’ve been cheated by their employer’s allegedly improper pay practices. A growing number of companies are taking steps to protect themselves from these potentially disastrous claims.   According to employment law giant Littler Mendelson, roughly half (49%) of the respondents […]

10 Tips for the HR Manager: Open Enrollment Communications

Getting employees to understand and take advantage of benefits during open enrollment periods is big challenge for many HR managers. This paper looks for new ideas on communicating benefit plans from professional marketers, knowledge management experts, and social media gurus. Learn about marketing principles such as targeting the right audience, drawing them in, and measuring […]

Were employee’s graphic come-ons typical dating behavior or harassment?

This employee left little to the imagination when he messaged a co-worker about, shall we say, hooking up. But did it really qualify as harassment?  Here are the details of the case: Benjamin Weinberg, a Navy lieutenant, met Maura Finigan, a Navy JAG, when he came to ask her for some legal advice. Weinberg apparently was […]

CDHPs: 5 tips for explaining what the heck they are to staff

Consumer-driven health plans (CDHPs) are proving to be more popular than ever. Here’s how to communicate what they encompass to a potentially confused workforce.  There’s no questioning the popularity of CDHPs: Nearly half (44%) of employers are considering offering one as their only option for their employees in 2014, according to a 2013 PwC Touchstone […]

Hey, that false teeth thing could happen to anybody

Your fake eye keep falling out? False teeth fly out of your mouth on the expressway? Just feeling grouchy because you’re trying to quit smoking? Go ahead, take the day off.   Those are just a few of the (supposedly) real-life excuses offered to explain employee absences, cited in a recent CareerBuilder study. In the […]

Terminations: How managers rationalize putting them off — and then screw them up anyway

Managers will go to great lengths to avoid the dreaded “termination conversation.” And when the confrontation finally happens, they often screw it up. Here are some suggestions to solve both problems.   First, a few of the more common rationalizations supervisors use to avoid dropping the axe – and why these avoidance tactics don’t make […]

Why HR should bet on new technology [INFOGRAPHIC]

Are you on the cutting edge of these emerging HR tech trends?  So what’s the next wave of technology that HR will be riding? A look at the near future: video interviews Big Data gamification, and social media and mobile recruting. That’s according to Spark Hire, which compiled an informative infographic on the topic. Here’s […]

Age bias: Key workplace issue is here to stay

New research and two recent settlements illustrate that age discrimination is still a huge issue for employers — and it’s not likely to go away anytime soon.   The latest numbers: One out of every three British adults over the age of 50 say they’ve experienced age bias, according to a report published recently in the […]

2013 Jobvite Social Recruiting Survey Results

Social recruiting has grown up and has seen universal adoption across industries. Anyone not leveraging social referrals is behind the curve. Download Jobvite’s 6th Annual Social Recruiting Survey Results to see how your social recruiting strategy compares. Click here to learn more!   Tweet This Post

4 things your managers should never, ever do

Your managers try their hardest, we’re sure, but you know that every once in a while they slip — hard. Here are four things sure to cause an uprise among their direct reports.  It’s no surprise your managers want to do a good job. But supervisors aren’t great just because of what they do. For […]