Wednesday January 8, 2025

Answers to tricky HR questions: Do we have to terminate staffer who’s ineligible for FMLA?

Our team of experts fields real-life, everyday questions from HR managers and gives practical answers that can be applied by any HR pro in the same situation. Today’s issue: Ineligible staffers and the Family and Medical Leave Act.  Question: An employee who hasn’t been with us for a year broke his leg. Since he isn’t […]

Smartphones for non-exempt staffers: Overtime disaster?

Of course, you want workers to be as productive as possible. But handing out smartphones to non-exempt employees may be much more of a headache — and a cash drain — than it’s worth. Here’s why: Employees checking smartphones after hours represent a hidden overtime liability, and there are many gray areas between what’s compensable […]

Bullies increasingly targeting older workers: What to look for

If your company has some employees who have decided to put off retirement for a few more years, you’ll want to keep an eye out for this troubling workplace trend. Whether it’s managers that are trying to push older staffers out, or younger co-workers who feel more mature employees are keeping them from moving up, […]

Case study: Helping employees when they need it most

What’s the best way to show staff you appreciate their hard work? Here’s how one company went above and beyond in giving back to its employees. (As related by the senior VP of HR at a Massachusetts senior living facility) We wanted to show our employees we were just as committed to them as they […]

The common FMLA policy that EEOC is investigating

A troubling new trend in employment law is about to bite a lot of unaware employers in the rear. That’s because a lot of FMLA leave cases are automatically becoming ADA cases when the employee has exhausted all possible leave and is still unable to return to work. So while you could terminate such employees […]

Younger workers are more than OK with office romance

Not only are Millennials OK with dating in the workplace, they have no qualms about dating a superior and telling people about it. The facts: Nearly 85% of staff ages 18 to 29 said they’d date a co-worker. Compare that with employees ages 46 to 65, 90% of whom think dating a colleague is a […]

HR’s Role in Employee Wellness

The direct and indirect costs associated with Employee Health & Happiness has shifted Employee Wellness from voluntary benefit to Strategic Imperative. HR is on the front lines of this fight. Are you ready? Click here to read the free whitepaper!    Tweet This Post

11 essentials for your FMLA policy

Intermittent leave has rapidly become the No. 1 headache for HR/Benefits pros everywhere. But adding these measures to your FMLA policy will certainly ease the pain.  You can’t forbid people from taking a few hours off here and there for legitimate FMLA reasons, but you can legally discourage abuse. An effective policy would include at […]

New HSA limits for 2013

There are new health savings account (HSA) limits your plans will have to abide by. The IRS just announced the latest HSA limits, which have been adjusted to account for inflation, in Revenue Procedure 2012-26. These are the limits for calendar year 2013: Annual contribution limits Single coverage. The most that can be deducted for […]

Health insurers to issue more than $1B in rebates to customers, employers

If you sponsor a health plan, and you’re not self-insured, you could be getting a nice fat check from your insurance carrier this August. Beginning in the 2011 calendar year, the healthcare reform law has required insurers spend at least 80 cents of each premium dollar they take in over the course of a year […]